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Whan the battle begins, take a brief look around, there may be tactical advantages you can afford your team.

The Barricades that you see on the field often are more than things for your ranged mercenaries to take cover behind. And terrain on the opponent's side may mean that you have more to deal with than enemy mercenaries.

Keep in mind: while your ranged units can fire, your melee units cannot attack from behind cover.

Barricades count as allied units, and can recieve bonuses, and act as allies for purposes of adjacency. They can even receive Electrocute power ups!

At a minimum, a barricade can offer some protection for ranged units. Placing them behind any barricade (even this broken pad) keeps them from being the first thing shot at. The enemy's barricade is a sentry turret which will fire on your units every turn -- so beware!
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This Dampening Array will reduce the enemies' attack by one every turn.
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This Power Array improves your side's attack.
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This is a friendly Sentry gun. On the other side is a Bio-Repair Chamber that will heal your enemies.
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This Force Array is protected by a Force Screen from attack. And every turn it grants a Force Screen to one of your mercenaries! The enemy has a Dampening Array.
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In addition there are usually a number of Stim Packs or Health packs strewn about on the ground. Placing your unit on thes will consume the pack, and grant your mercenary a bonus to health or attack.

If you wondered where they all came from, one type of barricade is a dispenser, dropping them all over the map.

There are also upgrade squares that will apply a bonus to whomever is standing on it at the beginning of the their turn.