Guides/New Player Guide

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New to LYSSA: Goddess of Rage? Check out this guide to prepare your first-ever steps! Guide written by CrusaderS.

Follow the Captain’s Path


  • From first quest until the end, do not use super soldiers’ recruitment, just use soldiers of fortune instead, since your league is so low, your chance to get epic and gold mercenary tier is very very slim.
  • From the beginning until the end of the follow the captain path mission, do not raise the green mercenary level at all.

At the beginning of the game, you will have this limited one-time mission named by Captain’s Path.


At first you will start with league 30 and directly updated to 29 after winning 2 rounds of practice match with AI.


You will also get this rare type of kitty when you recruit a merc for the first time.


And will be able to progress the chat gallery for kitty.


You will get 2 picture of her! She’s hot isn’t she?

Npg-6.png Npg-7.png

The 2nd recruit mission you will have enough gem to choose between soldiers of fortune, and super soldiers, use “soldiers of fortune” in here, because the probability to get epic / legendary is very slim since you still on league 29, choosing “super soldiers” is just a waste of gem.


After recruit the 2nd and the 3rd time, you will also have a chance to level up your rare mercenary, but please don’t raise all of your mercenary level directly, instead just spend the amount which the mission suggest (3 time level up) and wait until you got a mission to spend 2000 credits, then you can increase all the level for all rare mercenary you have.


At the end of the captain’s path mission, you should be at league 25.


You will also get this epic merc R.A.M for free.


You can also summon Kitty (Epic tier) for free.


And your battle pass level 6 should give you another Epic tier merc, that’s make it 3 free epic tier mercenary.


First Purchase (Optionally)

Do the first purchase, if you want to progress more quickly inside the game.

I recommend you to purchase this package, as you will get Skye (Epic tier) a good tank is required to reach league 22 faster.


Because you will get Natasha (Epic tier) for free after your first purchase.



League 23 unlocks an Alliance.

With 3 free epic tier mercenaries from Follow the Captain’s Path mission, you will have 3 epic out of 7 slot available for merc is epic, It should be easy for you to reach League 23.

By joining alliance you will get a chance to participate in 2 extra events: Hell Racing and Alliance War


Alliance War will give you a War Bonds at the end of each war based on your alliance rank, and it can be used to run this War Spoils and get one of the rewards listed there. This is based on your luck.


Hell Racing on the other hand will give you a mission that rewards you with a “Top Gear”, it’s actually a currency.


The Top Gear currency then can be used to buy something you want on the market.


So, joining an active alliance is a must, since it will be easier for you to reach your next target, League 22, and you will even have a chance to purchase a gold tier mercenary in the marker later.

Outlying Secrets

After you reach league 23, you will need around 8 Win streak from the first match, to reach League 22.

It will be a very-very tough fight for you to reach League 22 if you only have 3 Epic out of 7 Slot for mercenary. Unless you’re very lucky. So, it's recommended to do a purchase, and you will have 5 out of 7 slot available. With 5 epics, it should be easy for you to get league 22. Or if you're true F2P user, it's recommended to use your gem and do the recruitment here using the “Super Soldiers”, until at least you have 4 or 5 epics mercenary.


Though I really recommend you use the recruitment later when you're already on league 22, because you will have a higher chance to get an epic mercenary each recruitment.


p.s. From the beginning til league 22, you will need 37 win streak.

League 22

When you reach League 22, you will unlock a new event, which will usually require you to do some task.

Each event is different each time. I mean, when I reach league 22 this “Credit Craze” and “Night of Reconing” event is available for me, but at your time it might be different.

This even sometimes required you to do a task and reward you with a new currency based on the event, which you can use to purchase something in return.


Important: Sometimes it is required to save resources to complete a task listed on the event, so you better be prepared, and not claim all the battlepass reward, weekly and epic quest reward directly, but wait until you have a task for it. :)

This “Credit Craze” and “Night of Reconing” completed task will rewards me with a Credits and also “Exo Bonds” currency, and I can use it to purchase the following item below.


Your next target from here onwards is to reach league 17 as soon as possible.

Important: Get ZARA as soon as possible to make it easier for you to reach league 17.

Do not hesitate to do anything here that you think it’s necessary to reach league 17 quicker, like raising your mercenary level etc.

League 17

Important: At League 17, you will have a seasoned reward, 2 golden mercenary boxes. And on this league, you will have to start to compose your mercenary deck based on a tier list.

  • S tiers: Mercenary act as a core team, Choose 1~3* out of them is a MUST
  • A tiers: Mercenary that can easily give you a Comeback from dire situation, or Easily Win you in a match.
  • B tiers: It is as good as A tiers but required a conditional situations.
  • C tiers: It is good sometimes
  • D tiers: Not bad but not good enough
  • E tiers: Its bad

*more than 3 can ruin your deck
**exception for ZARA from league 22 until league 15/16, ZARA is SSS tier.

Bonus, my current (League 10) mercenary composition for reference if you like. 😊


I still progressing on League 10, so I think this is the end for now, will update this guide again later when I reach a higher league.

Update: I create a tier list in more details here: Mercenary_Tier_List