Guides/Quick Tips for New Players

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Guide for a good start in game for a free to play by Lestion

1. When starting the game, focus on completing missions to earn epic heroes instead of hurriedly summoning them. Save them for essential upgrades.

2. Only level up the necessary mercenaries in your main squad, and consider participating in level-up events to maximize emerix earnings.

3. Fast-track to Higher Leagues: Aim to quickly reach higher leagues with rare and epic heroes, at least league 22. This unlock events, allowing you to build a stronger team and gain better rewards.

4. Strategic Acquisition of Legendaries: Instead of collecting many of them, focus on 8 main mercenaries. Basic legendaries automatically unlock as you progress through leagues. Avoid participating in global events and summon event to increase your chances of acquiring mercenaries for your main team.

You should only participate in the chosen mercenary event and wish shop events.

5. Join guilds: This offers additional advantages, making it easier to progress in leagues due to extra bonus points provided by them.

6. Strategic Timing for In-game Activities: Utilize in-game events for activities like leveling up or restart mercenaries.

Waiting for these events can maximize your gains.

Patience is crucial for long-term success in the game.