Guides/Mercenary Reboot Guide

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By now, You should realize that rebooting your mercenary directly without preparation sometimes giving you more drawbacks than advantage, right ? Check out this guide to prepare your rebooting! Guide written by CrusaderS.

Reboot Guide

Important Info

  • First you need to know that Each raise of 5 level, will give an improvement to your mercenary ability, I marked it down below.
  • When you already have an option to reboot, you can continue to level up until level 31, but don't do it, because it will waste your credits by a lot.
  • When you reboot above the level you should be, your mercenary cards will return to you after reboot. Example: Lets say you're on Reboot 0 Level 8, and you do Reboot to R1, Your mercenary point that you spend to raise from level 6 to level 7 and 8 will be back to you, but the credits you spend will not.
  • You need to be wise when you do the reboot, sometimes choosing "Good Reboot" is enough for some mercenary, the point is what skill improvement you got after you do the reboot. You don't need to wait until "Excellent" or "Best" if the improvement is very impactful. :)

Reboot 0:

  • When your mercenary reach Level 7 (have extra 30 merc cards) or already on level 8 go for Reboot.

Reboot 1:

  • When your mercenary reach Level 11 (have extra 90 merc cards) or already on level 12 go for Reboot. (Good Reboot - will bring you back to level 6 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 13 (have extra 150 merc cards) or already on level 14 go for Reboot. (Best Reboot - will bring you back to level 11 after reboot).

Reboot 2:

  • When your mercenary reach Level 16 (have extra 90 merc cards) or already on level 17 go for Reboot. (Good Reboot - will bring you back to level 6 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 16 (have extra 600 merc cards) or already on level 17 go for Reboot. (Excellent Reboot - will bring you back to level 11 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 18 (have extra 720 merc cards) or already on level 19 go for Reboot. (Best Reboot - will bring you back to level 16 after reboot).

Reboot 3:

  • When your mercenary reach Level 21 (have extra 600 merc cards) or already on level 22 go for Reboot. (Good Reboot - will bring you back to level 11 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 22 (have extra 70 merc cards) or already on level 23 go for Reboot. (Excellent Reboot - will bring you back to level 16 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 23 (have extra 2720 merc cards) or already on level 24 go for Reboot. (Best Reboot - will bring you back to level 21 after reboot).

Reboot 4:

  • When your mercenary reach Level 26 (have extra 2270 merc cards) or already on level 27 go for Reboot. (Good Reboot - will bring you back to level 16 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 27 (have extra 1670 merc cards) or already on level 28 go for Reboot. (Excellent Reboot - will bring you back to level 21 after reboot).
  • When your mercenary reach Level 30 (have extra 1870 merc cards) or already on level 31 go for Reboot. (Best Reboot - will bring you back to level 26 after reboot).

Reboot 5:

  • When your mercenary reach Level 31 go for Reboot.

Draw Backs Reboot

When after reboot, you cannot reached level 6, All your stat and ability is decreased
Attack: 14 > 12
Health: 10 > 9
- Grant pierce 6 > 3
- Pierce 7 > 4

Reboot example1.jpg < Rebooted to > Reboot example2.jpg

p.s.: example deliberately stop at level 1

Good Reboot

When after reboot, you can reached level 6, All your stat increase but ability is decreased
Attack: 14 > 15
Health: 10 > 11
- Grant pierce 6 > 4
- Pierce 7 > 4

Reboot example1.jpg < Rebooted to > Reboot example3.jpg

p.s.: example deliberately stop at level 6

Excelent Reboot

When after reboot, you can reached the same level (11), All your stat highly increase and ability is not decreased
Attack: 14 > 21
Health: 10 > 15
- Grant pierce 6 > 6
- Pierce 7 > 7

Reboot example1.jpg < Rebooted to > Reboot example4.jpg

p.s.: example deliberately stop at level 11

LevelUp Requirement

Common Mercenary
Common Levelup.png
Rare Mercenary
Rare Levelup.png
Epic Mercenary
Epic Levelup.png
Legendary Mercenary
Legendary Levelup.png